Sunday, March 14, 2010

2010 Postcard Show Reluctant Seaweed

When I say "seaweed" does living-weeds-in-the-sea comes to mind or Japanese process-food comes to mind. I would think it would be the latter so much so as we forget the existance of the former.

The grey color background the color of mechanical mechinary , the mass-production process of heating , compressing , cutting , and packing of the seaweed.



Thursday, March 11, 2010

Image - Language

Desire is like mass which has no direction unlike weight which is directed earthwards.


One particular desire , cut out from the desire-mass is the "Desire-to-know". It can be directed in langauge as a form of a Question syntax. starting with "Why" , "What" , "How" , "When" , "What" eg. "What is this? " is valid grammatical sentence , a box to contain the "Desire-to-know" being. After it is boxed , it has weight. "Why" box has a different direction than a "What" box.

An Answer destroys or cancel out the Question.

Visual Image

Now how to create the tensions of "Desire to Know" into an image , without the use of text.

(1) Abstracting the question-syntax eg "What is this?" into sign "?" and the answer syntax "this is a hammer" into the punkt sign "."

(2) Modifying the sign "?" and "." to include directional arrows. "?" arrows are directed outwards to escape from the image while the "." are closing in from the four corners inwards to police the "?"

(3) These "?" and "." are superimposed onto an image such as a photograph.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Quotation : Man

The Guide by R.K Narayan page 85

His mother used to say " If there is one good man anywhere, the rain would descend for his sake and benefited the world " quoting from a Tamil poem.

Mr Sampath - The printer of Malgudi by R.K. Narayan
pg 10
Man has no significance except as a wage earner, as an economic unit, as a receptacle of responsibilities

Diary by Chuck Palahniuk pg 33
Your wife , your daughter , you mother. The three women in your life

Freakonomics by Steven D Levitt & Stephen J Dubner
pg 257
Economist typically separate our daily activities into three categories : Market Work(which produce income), home production(unpaid chores) and pure leisure.
Economics is, at root, the study of incentives: how people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing.
An incentive is simply a means of urging people to do more of a good thing and less of a bad thing.But most incentives don't come about organically. Someone--- an economist or a politician or a parent --- has to invent them.
...... There are three basic flavors of incentive: economic, social and moral.

The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
Quote pg 139
"The anxiety about human nature can be boiled down to four fears:
(1) If people are inately different, opression and discrimination would be justified
(2) If people are inately immoral, hopes to improve the human condition would be futile.
(3) If people are products of biology, free will would be a myth and we could no longer hold people responsible for their actions.
(4) If people are products of biology, life would have no higher meaning and purpose "