Friday, December 25, 2009

Emulsion with white cement

White cement is an inexpensive material to stack up height. The feel of the mixture is not much different from emulsion , except that is is quick drying which means I need to work fast.

After drying the surface looks fine , except it is brittle and breaks like classroom chalk when bend.

Sculpture Class

Sculpture class at Egg Story Production.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Emulsion with Extra Heavy Gel

The result is expected.

Emulsion Paint with Acrylic Thickener

The texture becomes suprising rough and clay-like.

Jing4 ( Dancing Stillness )

I like this one because there is much movement of the ink for a word that means stillness.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ren3 ( Endure )

The word Ren3 ( Endure ) , consist of the Dao1 ( knife ) on top and Xing1 ( heart ) at the bottom. Endure the knife in the heart. This word is normally written in calligraphy boldly or strongly to reflect its meaning. However for this one , I have soften or weaken the knife because if a person who practiced endurance his heart eventually become stronger than the knife.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Light Modeling Paste : Dog

Referance : Chinese painting animals book.

Painting Process : Two part painting : (1) Texture with light modeling paste and knifes (2) Rub acrylic colors with hand.

Result : Light modeling paste is ideal for texturing animal subject. Coloring method needs to be explored further.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Emulsion with Corn Starch

Heat corn starch and water on a stove until a gel-like mass is formed.
Use a knife to mix 50% emulsion with the 50% corn starch. I sure like the texture and feeling of the mixture with the knife.

It is more lumpy if the corn starch is mixed when it is cooled.

cracks appear the next day. The surface feel soft and rubbery.

More cracks appear after a week of drying. The surface feels very hard.